Private construction law
Private construction law is characterised not only by its unique aspects, but also by high economic risk of damage. It is “doubly-frustrating” as you often and re-peatedly have to deal in everyday life with the consequences of failed construction projects.
We provide you with advice not only in the event of damage, but at an earlier stage, by verifying and drafting appropriate contractual arrangements or safeguards, i.e. in the case of insolvent contractors. Here we can distinguish the follow-ing areas:
- Review and drafting of agreements to perform specific work, purchase agreements, agreements with architects, agreements with the (general) designer
- Establishment and the concept of work groups, including internal contractual regulations
- Verification, pursuit and enforcement/defense of guarantee and compensation claims against architects, construction companies, engineers, designers
- Verification, pursuit and enforcement/defense of claims arising from neighbouring rights (i.e. construction boundary, upward extension, etc.)
Since the compensation amounts are often at a high level, and if the insurance does not cover legal expenses, we recommend cooperation and support at an early stage. This often leads to a more effective extra-judicial resolution instead of being tied into a long legal dispute. But even if court proceedings are inevitable, the dispute is often based on complex processes that require deep, detailed and thorough analysis.